Motocross – First Race Day

This weekend saw us head out for Carter and Leo’s first local motocross race.

Carter and Leo’s excitement and anticipation for the day ahead was infectious. To see them both, have the self-belief that they were ready to face the day ahead with such conviction was inspiring.

We headed out early to make sure we arrived at the track with enough time to sign in and set up. Then the racing started.

Unfortunately, the track proved to be too much for Leo’s pee-wee 50 so he had to retire early in the first race – albeit kicking and screaming. Leo’s hunger to keep racing was fierce and unwavering despite how many times he got stuck in the ruts of the track.  I am sure he will have an opportunity to achieve his race dream very soon.

Whilst Leo’s race did not start or end the way he had anticipated, Carter was able to get off the start line well and hunt the track ahead.

This, by far, would have to be the most challenging ride I have ever witnessed Carter undertake. 

The track was unfamiliar to him and the dust from other competitors was blinding. He bravely battled his way around the unforgiving track when near the end of his first lap he crashed.

Carter came off his motorbike and although he was shaken and bruised, he did not give up – he found the courage to be brave and face fear even when he was hurting. Carter went on to complete his first lap, his first round, his first race.

Carter did not come away from the day with a place on the podium, but he did achieve what he set out to do through hard work, self-belief and the strength to never give up.

Pride 23. Be Hungry. Be Brave.

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